Truck Accident Lawyer

Both truck and car accidents are difficult experiences. While there are a lot of similarities between the two, when it comes to auto accidents, trucks and cars do have differences. The most obvious differences are in terms of size and weight. Trucks are heavier, use more equipment and may be more of a danger on the road. If you’ve been in an accident, here are the differences between trucking and car accidents.

Accident Causes

Trucking accidents may not be as straightforward as car accidents. With car accidents, usually it’s human error and while trucking accidents may have the same trouble, there are some other circumstances to take note of. For instance, in some accidents, a trucking company may be liable for a driver’s injury. In addition, equipment failure may play a role in the trucking accident. While this isn’t going to free the driver of liability necessarily, it is important to know that it can change liability. There are more complications involved with trucking accidents.

Accident Compensation

If you’ve been in a trucking accident, then you may deserve compensation that puts you back on your feet. Now, this can be hard to determine right after an accident. If you’re injured, then you may end up in a lawsuit against the driver. In a lot of ways, car and trucking accidents are similar in what you can recover and what you have a right to be compensated for. Both car and truck accidents award for personal injury, property damage and for non-economic damages.

Accident Injuries

One of the biggest differences between a car and truck accident is the injuries that someone might incur. Trucking accidents tend to be more devastating for victims. Keep in mind that a loaded semi is going to weigh around or more than 80,000 pounds. Cars, on the other hand, weigh about 3,000 pounds. If you’re in a car and you collide with a semi, then you may suffer extensive injuries because of it. Truckers have higher liability limits and that means that you may be awarded more.

If you’ve been in a trucking accident, you may want to contact a truck accident lawyer right away. These accidents tend to be a little more complex than the average car accident. This is because you are dealing with larger vehicles, cargo and sometimes a trucking company. Car accidents are difficult enough as it is, but when you’re dealing with a truck accident, there are more complications. For more information, call a lawyer for a consultation.

Source: Truck Accident Lawyer Canoga Park, CA, Barry P. Goldberg